The IFREE Small Grants Program provides funding for research projects.
Review IFREE’s Mission Statement and IFREE’s “principles of belief.”
- Dianat, A., Siemroth, C. Improving decisions with market information: an experiment on corporate prediction markets. Exp Econ (2020).
- Nadler, A., Camerer, C.F., Zava, D.T., Ortiz, T.L., Watson, N.V., Carré, J.M., Nave, G. Does testosterone impair men’s cognitive empathy? Evidence from two large-scale randomized controlled trials. Proc. R. Soc. B. 28620191062 (2019).
- Pagnozzi, M., Saral, K.J. Entry by successful speculators in auctions with resale. Exp Econ 22, 477–505 (2019).
- Aycinena, D., Bejarano, H. & Rentschler, L. Informed entry in auctions. Int J Game Theory 47, 175–205 (2018).
- Bosch-Rosa, C., Meissner, T. & Bosch-Domènech, A. Cognitive bubbles. Exp Econ 21, 132–153 (2018).
- Aycinena, D., Rentschler, L. Auctions with endogenous participation and an uncertain number of bidders: experimental evidence. Exp Econ 21, 924–949 (2018).
- Buchanan, J.A., Wilson, B.J. An experiment on protecting intellectual property. Exp Econ 17, 691–716 (2014).
- Aimone, J.A., Houser, D. What you don’t know won’t hurt you: a laboratory analysis of betrayal aversion. Exp Econ 15, 571–588 (2012).
- Kimbrough, E.O. Learning to respect property by refashioning theft into trade. Exp Econ 14, 84–109 (2011).