The Centro Vernon Smith de Economía Experimental in Guatemala

The Centro Vernon Smith de Economía Experimental (the Vernon Smith Center for Experimental Economics) is the experimental economics center of the Facultad de Ciencias Económicas at Universidad Francisco Marroquín in Guatemala since its grand opening in 2010.

It’s enterprising mission in Guatemala and Latin America is to:

  • promote the experimental methods for economics and other social sciences through the generation, dissemination and transmission of applicable knowledge obtained through rigorous experimental methods.

Diego Aycinena is Catedrático at the Facultad de Ciencias Económicas and Director of the Centro Vernon Smith de Economía Experimental. The state of the art lab was named in honor of Vernon L. Smith in 2010.

Dr. AycCentroVS2inena received his Ph.D. from George Mason University, and his dissertation advisor was Vernon Smith. With the use of experimental economics, Diego was able to test alternative mechanisms to procure energy and reserves for electric power markets.

Diego credits the possibility of his dissertation work to the generous financial support provided by IFREE. With IFREE support and the inspiration of scholars and researchers at GMU and the Economic Science Institute at Chapman University, Diego has gone on to conduct further work in experimental economics at THE Experimental Economics Lab in Latin America at UFM. He and colleagues at UFM are dedicated to promoting experimental methods for economics and the social sciences.


 Conferences and Workshops

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